Deck the Outdoors with Extra Large Christmas Ornaments

Bring the magic of the holiday season to your outdoor space with extra large Christmas ornaments designed for outdoor use. These oversized decorations are perfect for adding a touch of festivity to your yard or porch and creating a stunning visual impact that your guests will love.

Whether you prefer classic or modern styles, there is an extra large Christmas ornament that will suit your taste and complement your outdoor decor. From shimmering balls to whimsical figurines, the options are endless when it comes to choosing outdoor Christmas decorations that make a statement.

Discover how you can enhance your outdoor holiday display with extra large Christmas ornaments that will brighten up your space and create a festive atmosphere. Explore a unique collection of oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments that are perfect for any yard or porch size, and learn practical tips for maintaining and storing your decorations throughout the year.

Key Takeaways

  • Extra large Christmas ornaments are designed for outdoor use and can add a festive touch to your outdoor space.
  • There are a variety of styles and designs to choose from, ranging from classic to modern.
  • Oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments can be used to enhance your yard or porch decor.
  • It’s important to choose the right size of extra large Christmas ornaments to suit your outdoor space.
  • Durable and weather-resistant options are available for extra large Christmas ornaments that will withstand various weather conditions.

Beyond Ordinary: Giant Outdoor Christmas Ornaments to Elevate Your Holiday Decor

When it comes to outdoor Christmas decorations, bigger is definitely better. Giant outdoor Christmas ornaments are a great way to add a touch of grandeur and elegance to your outdoor space. These oversized decorations are perfect for those looking to showcase their festive spirit in a big way. And the best part? They’re now available for sale, making it easier than ever to elevate your holiday decor.

But with so many options out there, it can be challenging to choose the right giant outdoor Christmas ornaments for your space. Let’s take a look at some popular options:

Material Pros Cons
Plastic Lightweight and durable May look cheap or tacky
Glass Gives a classic, sophisticated look Fragile and may not withstand outdoor weather conditions
Metal Sturdy and long-lasting May be heavy and difficult to move or store

Pro Tip: Consider the climate of your area when choosing materials for your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments. If you live in an area with harsh winters, it’s best to go for metal or plastic.

Another thing to consider is the design of your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments. Do you want something classic like a giant red ball ornament, or do you prefer something more unique like a giant illuminated snowflake?

Whatever your style, there’s a giant outdoor Christmas ornament that’s perfect for you. Browse through different options online or in-store to find the best fit for your outdoor space.

And don’t forget to add some lighting to really make your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments stand out. Whether it’s string lights wrapped around the ornaments or built-in LED lights, adding some illumination will create a stunning visual impact.

Pro Tip: When setting up your lighting, make sure to use outdoor-safe lights to prevent any accidents or damage.

Transform your outdoor space this holiday season with giant outdoor Christmas ornaments. With so many options available for sale, it’s now easier than ever to showcase your festive spirit in a big way. Choose a material and design that suits your style, add some lighting, and you’re ready to brighten up your neighborhood and spread holiday cheer!

Choosing the Right Size for Your Yard

When it comes to extra large outdoor Christmas decorations, choosing the right size can make all the difference in creating a visually stunning display. Consider the size of your yard or porch, and select outdoor Christmas ornaments that are proportional and will complement the surrounding space.

For smaller yards or porches, oversized decorations may not be the best choice as they can overwhelm the space and detract from other elements of your decor. Instead, opt for extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments that are slightly larger than standard size to create a festive look without being too overpowering.

On the other hand, if you have a large outdoor space, you may want to go for giant outdoor Christmas ornaments that will make a bold statement. These eye-catching decorations are perfect for creating a grand entrance or a festive focal point in your yard.

Consider the Material

When choosing extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments, it’s essential to consider the material they are made from. Look for outdoor Christmas decorations that are weather-resistant and can withstand harsh outdoor conditions such as wind, rain, and snow. You don’t want your decorations to deteriorate quickly or pose a safety hazard due to their condition.

Some popular materials for extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments include plastic, metal, and fiberglass. These materials are durable and built to last, ensuring that your outdoor display remains intact throughout the holiday season.

Explore Different Options

There are countless options for extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments, from classic Christmas characters to elegant light-up designs. Consider your personal style and the overall theme of your holiday decor when selecting outdoor Christmas decorations.

To showcase a traditional Christmas look, opt for oversized ornaments in classic colors such as red, green, and gold. For a more modern aesthetic, choose extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments that feature unique designs and bold colors.

Don’t be afraid to mix and match different sizes and styles of outdoor Christmas ornaments to create a dynamic display. By experimenting and trying out different combinations, you can showcase your creativity and make your outdoor space truly unique.

Enhance Your Porch with Oversized Decorations

Transform your porch into a festive wonderland with oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments. These giant decorations are sure to make a statement and impress your guests.

There are endless creative ideas for incorporating giant Christmas decorations into your outdoor space. Hang oversized ornaments from your porch ceiling or along the railing. You can also place them strategically around your porch to create a focal point.

To add a personal touch, consider DIY options for creating your own oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments. With a little creativity, you can craft unique decorations that reflect your style and personality.

Here are some ideas for DIY oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments:

  • Use large plastic balls and wrap them in festive fabric or ribbon.
  • Create giant snowflakes using craft foam or cardboard.
  • String together oversized pinecones to create a rustic garland.

When choosing oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments, consider the overall design and color scheme of your porch decor. Opt for ornaments that complement your existing decorations and enhance your overall holiday theme.

Remember to keep safety in mind when hanging oversized decorations. Use sturdy hooks and ensure that the weight is evenly distributed to prevent any accidents.

Durable and Weather-Resistant Options

When it comes to outdoor Christmas decorations, it’s important to choose durable and weather-resistant options that can withstand the elements. Extra large Christmas ornaments – outdoor are no exception. Fortunately, there are many options available that are both sturdy and stylish.

One popular material for outdoor Christmas ornaments is plastic. Plastic ornaments are lightweight, shatterproof, and can resist fading in the sunlight. You can find extra large outdoor Christmas decorations made from plastic in a variety of shapes and colors.

If you prefer a more traditional look, metal outdoor Christmas ornaments are also a great choice. Many metal ornaments are coated with a weather-resistant finish to prevent rust and other damage. However, keep in mind that metal ornaments can be heavier and more prone to damage if dropped or knocked over.

No matter what material you choose, it’s important to store your extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments properly when not in use. This can help extend their lifespan and keep them looking their best for years to come.

Light Up Your Outdoor Display

When it comes to outdoor Christmas decorations, lighting can make all the difference. Giant outdoor Christmas ornaments are no exception. Illuminating these oversized decorations can create a magical and festive atmosphere in your outdoor space.

There are several ways to light up your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments. Here are a few ideas:

  1. String lights: Wrap string lights around your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments to create a soft and warm glow. You can choose white lights for a classic look or go for colorful lights to add a playful touch.
  2. Spotlights: Use spotlights to highlight your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments. This will create a dramatic effect and draw attention to your festive display. You can also choose different colors for your spotlights to add variety.
  3. LED lights: LED lights are energy-efficient and long-lasting, making them a great option for lighting up your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments. They come in a variety of colors and can be used to create unique patterns and designs on your decorations.

No matter which lighting option you choose, be sure to follow safety guidelines and use outdoor-rated lights and extension cords.

For an extra special touch, consider adding a timer or remote control to your lighting setup. This will allow you to turn your lights on and off automatically or adjust the brightness and color from the comfort of your home.

Creating a Stunning Outdoor Light Display

If you really want to make a statement with your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments and lighting, consider creating a stunning outdoor light display. Here are some tips to get you started:

Tip Description
Plan your design Before you start hanging lights, plan out your design on paper. This will help you figure out how many lights you will need and where to place them.
Choose a focal point Choose a focal point for your light display, such as a giant outdoor Christmas ornament or a tree. This will draw the eye and create a cohesive look.
Mix and match lighting options Don’t be afraid to mix and match different lighting options, such as string lights and spotlights, to create a dynamic and interesting display.
Use different colors Using different colors of lights can add depth and interest to your display. Try using warm white, cool white, and colored lights to create a festive and playful look.
Don’t forget about the surroundings Don’t just focus on your giant outdoor Christmas ornaments – think about the surrounding space as well. Hanging lights in trees or bushes can create a magical and enchanting atmosphere.

By following these tips and getting creative with your lighting, you can create a stunning outdoor Christmas display that will delight both you and your neighbors.

DIY Outdoor Christmas Ornaments

If you’re looking for a fun and affordable way to add some extra-large outdoor Christmas ornaments to your holiday display, why not try making your own? Not only will it save you money, but you’ll also be able to customize your decorations to match your personal style.

One easy DIY project is creating giant Christmas balls with just a few simple materials. You’ll need a beach ball, glue, and strips of tissue paper in your favorite holiday colors. Blow up the beach ball to the desired size, cover it in glue, and then carefully apply the tissue paper strips. Once the ball is fully covered, let it dry overnight and then puncture the beach ball and remove it from inside the tissue paper shell. Voila! You now have a giant, lightweight Christmas ornament that you can hang up in your outdoor space.

If you’re feeling crafty, you can also try making wooden or PVC pipe ornaments. Simply cut the wood or PVC pipe into large circles or other shapes, paint them in bold holiday colors, and add some festive embellishments like glitter or ribbon.

Where to Find Materials

You can find all the materials you need for your DIY outdoor Christmas ornaments at your local craft store or online. Many stores offer special holiday sales on materials like tissue paper, glitter, and paint.

Outdoor Christmas Ornaments for Sale

If you don’t have the time or inclination to make your own outdoor Christmas ornaments, there are plenty of options for purchasing extra-large decorations online. Retailers like Home Depot, Amazon, and Walmart offer a wide variety of oversized ornaments that are perfect for your outdoor display.

Online Retailer Price Range Shipping Information
Home Depot $15 – $100 Free shipping on orders over $45
Amazon $10 – $150 Free shipping for Prime members
Walmart $5 – $75 Free shipping on orders over $35

When shopping for outdoor Christmas ornaments, make sure to check the dimensions and materials to ensure that they are suitable for your yard or porch. Look for durable, weather-resistant materials like plastic or metal that can withstand harsh winter conditions.

outdoor Christmas ornaments for sale

Showcasing Your Personal Style

Extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments and giant Christmas decorations outdoor come in various styles and designs, allowing you to showcase your personal taste and create a unique holiday display. Whether you prefer traditional colors and shapes or want to go for a more eclectic look, there are plenty of options to choose from.

You can opt for oversized ornaments in classic red and green hues, featuring glitter and other festive details. Alternatively, you can mix and match different colors and textures to create a playful and whimsical effect. Think metallic tones, pastel shades, and even neon brights.

Choosing the Right Materials

When selecting extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments, consider the materials they are made of. In addition to being durable and weather-resistant, you want them to feel and look high-quality. Some popular options include:

Material Description
Plastic Lightweight and shatterproof, with various finishes and designs available.
Metal Durable and long-lasting, with a shiny, reflective surface that catches the light.
Glass Fragile but perfect for indoor displays or covered outdoor areas, available in various shapes and colors.
Wood Natural and rustic, with a warm and inviting look. Suitable for covered outdoor areas.

Consider the pros and cons of each material and choose the one that best fits your needs and style.

Mixing and Matching

When it comes to creating a cohesive display with extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments and giant Christmas decorations outdoor, you can stick to a particular theme or color scheme, or you can mix and match different styles and sizes to make a bold statement.

For example, you can hang oversized ornaments from trees or attach them to light posts or pillars. Alternatively, you can arrange them in groups on your lawn or porch, creating a playful and eye-catching effect.

Experiment with different arrangements and see what works best for your outdoor space. Remember, the key is to have fun and let your creativity shine through.

Maintenance and Storage Tips

As the holiday season comes to an end, it’s time to start thinking about maintaining and storing your oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments and extra large outdoor Christmas decorations. Proper care and storage will ensure that your decorations last for many years to come.

Cleaning Your Outdoor Christmas Ornaments

Before storing your ornaments, it is important to clean them thoroughly to remove any dirt or debris. Use a soft-bristled brush or a damp cloth to gently wipe away any dirt from your oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments and extra large outdoor Christmas decorations.

For ornaments with intricate designs, use a toothbrush or a soft-bristled brush to reach all the nooks and crannies. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the surface of your ornaments.

Storing Your Outdoor Christmas Ornaments

After cleaning, make sure that your oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments and extra large outdoor Christmas decorations are completely dry before storing them. Moisture can cause damage and mold during storage.

Store your ornaments in a dry, cool place, away from direct sunlight. Wrap each ornament in tissue paper or bubble wrap to prevent scratches, scuffs, or cracks during storage. Place them in a sturdy box or container with a lid, and label the box “Christmas Ornaments” for easy identification.

Additional Tips

  • Avoid hanging your ornaments in areas with high winds or heavy snowfall, which can cause breakage or damage.
  • Consider investing in a storage container specifically designed for outdoor holiday decorations, which may have dividers and cushioned compartments to protect your ornaments.
  • Check the condition of your ornaments before using them again to ensure that they are in good condition and free of any damage that may have occurred during storage.

Maintenance and Storage Tips for Oversized Outdoor Christmas Ornaments and Extra Large Outdoor Christmas Decorations

“Proper storage of outdoor Christmas ornaments is essential to keep them in top condition for years to come.”

Seasonal Displays and Themes

Outdoor Christmas decorations are a great way to showcase your holiday spirit and add a festive touch to your outdoor space. With giant outdoor Christmas ornaments, you can take your decorations to the next level. But how do you incorporate these oversized decorations into your seasonal displays and themes?

Winter Wonderland

If you’re looking to create a winter wonderland theme, consider adding giant snowflake ornaments to your outdoor display. These eye-catching decorations can be hung from tree branches or displayed on a tabletop. To complete the look, add some white string lights and a few snowmen figurines to your display.

Traditional Red and Green

For a classic holiday theme, go for traditional red and green decorations. Use a mix of giant red and green ornaments to decorate your trees, bushes, and porch. To add some extra sparkle, incorporate some oversized glittery ornaments into your display.

Modern Metallics

If you prefer a more modern look, metallic ornaments are the way to go. Giant gold, silver, and copper ornaments can create a sophisticated outdoor display. Add some white string lights and some metallic garland to complete the look.

Cozy Cabin

For a cozy cabin feel, use natural elements in your outdoor display. Incorporate giant pinecone ornaments, birch bark decorations, and wooden reindeer figurines into your display. Add some warm white string lights and a faux fur throw blanket to complete the cozy look.

There are endless possibilities for seasonal displays and themes using outdoor Christmas decorations and giant outdoor Christmas ornaments. Choose a theme that speaks to you and have fun creating a festive and welcoming outdoor space.

Outdoor Christmas Ornament Display Ideas

Once you have purchased or made your giant Christmas decorations outdoor, it’s time to start thinking about how to display them in a way that showcases their beauty and uniqueness.

One idea for displaying outdoor Christmas ornaments is to create a themed arrangement. For example, you could group together oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments in the shape of snowflakes, and pair them with white lights and snow-covered branches. This would create a winter wonderland display that is sure to impress.

Display Theme Description
Classic Red and Green Pair oversized red and green outdoor Christmas ornaments with classic pine wreaths for a traditional holiday display.
Whimsical Wonderland Hang giant outdoor Christmas ornaments in bright, bold colors from tree branches and add a magical touch with twinkling fairy lights.
Coastal Christmas Showcase oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments in hues of blue and green, paired with seashells, starfish, and other coastal accents for a beachy holiday look.

If you don’t have a lot of space in your yard, consider creating a focal point with a single oversized outdoor Christmas ornament. For example, a giant ornament in the shape of a present or candy cane can be paired with smaller ornaments and lights to create a charming and festive display.

If you’re feeling extra creative, you can use giant outdoor Christmas ornaments to create a unique holiday sculpture. For example, you could stack round outdoor Christmas ornaments of different sizes to create a tree-like structure.

Remember to also think about the placement of your outdoor Christmas ornaments for sale. Hanging them from tree branches, attaching them to porch railings, or even placing them on the ground can all create different effects and add interest to your outdoor space.

Outdoor Christmas Ornament Display Ideas

With these outdoor Christmas ornament display ideas, you can create a festive and memorable holiday display that is sure to impress your guests and bring joy to your neighborhood.


Adding extra large Christmas ornaments – outdoor to your holiday decor is an excellent way to bring an eye-catching element to your outdoor space while spreading festive cheer. From oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments to giant Christmas decorations, the wide range of options available offers something for everyone.

Express Your Unique Style

With so many styles and designs to choose from, you can showcase your personal taste and create an outdoor space that reflects your unique personality. Whether you prefer traditional holiday colors or a more contemporary look, you can find outdoor Christmas decorations that suit your needs.

Get Creative with DIY Ideas

For those who love DIY projects, there are plenty of affordable and creative alternatives to extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments available. You can create your own festive decorations using simple materials and bring a personal touch to your outdoor decor.

Keep Your Decorations Looking Great

Maintaining and storing your oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments and extra large outdoor Christmas decorations is crucial for keeping them looking great year after year. Take some time to learn the best practices for cleaning, repairing, and storing your decorations to ensure they stay in top shape throughout the year.

Bring Your Themes to Life

With inspiration from seasonal displays and themes, you can create a stunning outdoor display that will impress your guests and spread holiday cheer. From a winter wonderland to a playful Santa’s workshop, there are many ways to incorporate giant outdoor Christmas ornaments into your theme.

Embrace the holiday spirit and make your outdoor space shine this season with extra large Christmas ornaments – outdoor. Happy decorating!


Can I use extra large Christmas ornaments outdoors?

Yes, extra large Christmas ornaments are designed for outdoor use and can withstand various weather conditions.

Where can I purchase giant outdoor Christmas ornaments?

You can find giant outdoor Christmas ornaments for sale at various retailers and online stores specializing in holiday decorations.

How do I choose the right size of outdoor Christmas decorations for my yard?

To choose the right size, consider the dimensions of your yard and the overall aesthetic you want to achieve. Measure the available space and select extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments that will make a statement without overwhelming the area.

How can oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments enhance my porch decor?

Oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments can add a touch of grandeur to your porch, making it more festive and visually appealing. You can hang them from the porch ceiling, place them strategically on the steps, or create a beautiful display around your front door.

Are extra large Christmas ornaments designed to withstand weather conditions?

Yes, extra large Christmas ornaments designed for outdoor use are typically made from durable and weather-resistant materials such as shatterproof plastic, metal, or fiberglass. These materials ensure that the ornaments can withstand wind, rain, and snow without getting damaged.

How can I illuminate giant outdoor Christmas ornaments?

You can illuminate giant outdoor Christmas ornaments by using outdoor lights specifically designed for decorating purposes. You can wrap string lights around the ornaments, place spotlights to highlight them, or use LED lights inside the ornaments for a magical glow.

Can I create my own outdoor Christmas ornaments?

Yes, you can get creative and make your own outdoor Christmas ornaments. There are plenty of DIY ideas and tutorials available online. This can be a fun and budget-friendly way to personalize your outdoor decor.

How do I maintain and store oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments?

To maintain oversized outdoor Christmas ornaments, clean them periodically with mild soap and water. When storing them, ensure they are completely dry and place them in a secure container or storage box to protect them from dust and potential damage.

How can I incorporate extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments into different holiday themes?

You can incorporate extra large outdoor Christmas ornaments into different holiday themes by selecting ornaments in colors and designs that complement your desired theme. For example, red and green ornaments for a traditional Christmas theme or silver and blue ornaments for a winter wonderland theme.

Where can I find outdoor Christmas ornaments for sale to bring my display ideas to life?

You can find outdoor Christmas ornaments for sale at various retailers, including home decor stores, garden centers, and online marketplaces. These places offer a wide selection of ornaments to suit different styles and budgets.